Personally, I love audio books. If you do too, then you actually only need two Audible credits to purchase a huge number of Lewis’ works…
C.S. Lewis Essential Audio Library
Your first credit should be spent on the C.S. Lewis Essential Audio Library:

This collection includes nine of Lewis’ major works:
- Mere Christianity
- The Screwtape Letters
- The Great Divorce
- Miracles
- The Problem of Pain
- A Grief Observed
- The Abolition of Man
- The Weight of Glory
- George MacDonald
C. S. Lewis Essay Collection and Other Short Pieces
Your second Audible credit should be spent on the C. S. Lewis Essay Collection and Other Short Pieces:

This purchase contains a whopping thirty-nine hours of audio! It primarily contains essays which Lewis wrote, some letters and a few short stories. The only slight downside is that each work isn’t divide into a separate chapter, which can make navigating the collection by timestamp a little unwieldy.
00:00:00 1) The Grand Miracle
00:21:25 2) Is Theology Poetry?
00:55:35 3) The Funeral of a Great Myth
01:26:52 4) God In the Dark
01:39:14 5) What Are We to Make of Jesus Christ?
01:50:53 6) The World’s Last Night
02:25:09 7) Is Theism Important?
02:35:45 8) The Seeing Eye
02:57:58 9) Must Our Image of God Go?
03:01:23 10) Christianity and Culture
04:05:30 11) Evil and God
04:14:07 12) The Weight of Glory
04:45:44 13) Miracles
05:18:54 14) Dogma and the Universe
05:42:43 15) The Horrid Red Things
05:51:58 16) Religion: Reality or Substitute?
06:10:10 17) Myth Became Fact
06:22:22 18) Religion and Science
06:29:46 19) Christian Apologetics
07:04:21 20) Work and Prayer
07:12:02 21) Religion Without Dogma?
07:55:00 22) The Decline of Religion
08:08:09 23) On Forgiveness
08:16:37 24) The Pains of Animals
08:43:20 25) Petitionary Prayer: A Problem Without an Answer
09:06:28 26) On Obstinacy in Belief
09:36:03 27) What Christmas Means to Me
09:40:18 28) The Psalms
10:19:15 29) Religion and Rocketry
10:35:42 30) The Efficacy of Prayer
10:49:29 31) Fern Seed and Elephants
11:25:59 32) The Language of Religion
11:58:42 33) Transposition
12:34:04 34) Why I am Not a Pacifist
13:12:04 35) Dangers of National Repentance
13:19:02 36) Two Ways With the Self
13:24:01 37) Meditation on the Third Commandment
13:32:29 38) On Ethics
14:06:13 39) Three Kinds of Men
14:09:30 40) Answers to Questions on Christianity
14:40:31 41) The Laws of Nature
14:48:58 42) Membership
15:15:03 43) The Sermon and the Lunch
15:26:43 44) Scraps
15:29:49 45) After Priggery – What?
15:39:21 46) Man or Rabbit?
15:51:47 47) The Trouble With X
16:02:00 48) On Living in an Atomic Age
16:17:21 49) Lillies that Fester
16:48:51 50) Good Work and Good Works
17:06:20 51) A Slip of the Tongue
17:18:44 52) We Have No Right to Happiness
17:32:08 53) Christian Reunion: An Anglican Speaks to Roman Catholics
17:39:16 54) Priestesses in the Church?
17:53:30 55) On Church Music
18:07:12 56) Christianity and Literature
18:33:28 57) High and Low Brows
19:07:54 58) Is English Doomed?
19:16:58 59) On the Reading of Old Books
19:31:50 60) The Parthenon and the Optative
19:39:56 61) The Death of Words
19:47:06 62) On Science Fiction
20:21:27 63) Miserable Offenders
20:33:09 64) Different Tastes in Literature
20:50:18 65) Modern Translations of the Bible
21:00:28 66) On Juvenile Tastes
21:07:02 67) Sex in Literature
21:14:00 68) The Hobbit
21:17:03 69) Period Criticism
21:27:16 70) On Stories
22:10:34 71) On Three Ways of Writing for Children
22:40:43 72) Prudery and Philology
22:49:41 73) Tolkein’s “The Lord of the Rings”
23:07:31 74) Sometimes Fairy Stories May Say Best What’s to Be Said
23:15:38 75) It All Began With a Picture
23:17:54 76) Unreal Estates
23:40:58 77) On Criticism
24:16:38 78) Cross Examination
24:33:39 79) A Tribute to E.R. Eddison
24:35:15 80) The Mythopoeic Gift of Rider Haggard
24:44:59 81) George Orwell
24:53:37 82) A Panegyric for Dorothy L. Sayers
25:03:24 83) The Novels of Charles Williams
25:20:03 84) Learning in War-Time
25:43:51 85) Bulverism (or, The Foundation of 20th Century Thought)
25:55:13 86) The Founding of the Oxford Socratic Club
26:01:56 87) My First School
26:09:37 88) Democratic Education
26:19:09 89) Blimpophobia
26:26:26 90) Private Bates
26:34:16 91) Meditation in a Tool Shed
26:43:55 92) On the Transmission of Christianity
26:57:30 93) Modern Man and His Categories of Thought
27:11:02 94) Historicism
27:46:59 95) The Empty Universe
27:58:36 96) Interim Report
28:12:12 97) Is History Bunk?
28:21:26 98) Before We Can Communicate
28:29:54 99) First and Second Things
28:39:32 100) The Poison of Subjectivism
29:05:59 101) Equality
29:14:25 102) De Futilitate
29:52:43 103) A Dream
29:59:49 104) Hedonics
30:11:13 105) Talking About Bicycles
30:22:01 106) Vivisection
30:33:41 107) The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment
31:07:08 108) Behind the Scenes
31:17:41 109) The Necessity of Chivalry
31:26:45 110) The Inner Ring
31:50:26 111) Two Lectures
31:58:20 112) Some Thoughts
32:06:47 113) X-mas and Christmas
32:13:42 114) Revival or Decay
32:23:06 115) Delinquents in the Snow
32:33:40 116) Willing Slaves of the Welfare State
32:48:10 117) Screwtape Proposes a Toast
33:24:21 118) The Conditions for a Just War
33:30:18 119) The Conflict in Anglican Theology
33:31:11 120) Miracles
33:33:12 121) Mr. C.S. Lewis on Christianity
33:35:19 122) A Village Experience
33:36:50 123) Correspondence With an Anglican Who Dislikes Hymns
33:39:56 124) The Church’s Liturgy, Invocation, and Invocation of Saints
33:48:49 125) The Holy Name
33:50:36 126) Mere Christians
33:52:16 127) Canonization
33:55:08 128) Pittenger-Lewis and Version Vernacular
33:57:01 129) Capital Punishment and Death Penalty
Short Stories
Timestamp | Lewis’ Work |
34:01:01 | The Man Born Blind |
34:12:31 | The Dark Tower |
35:16:16 | The Dark Tower (continued) |
36:15:57 | The Dark Tower (continued) |
37:07:58 | Ministering Angels |
37:31:23 | The Shoddy Lands |
37:49:13 | After Ten Years |
38:38:46 | Forms of Things Unknown |
Thank you! Not just almost, but thou persuadest me to become an Audible subscriber again. They are doing a special right now which gives you 1 credit and $20 in cash credit (plus only $5.95 for the first 3 months) — I was able to get both of these selections today when I renewed.
You’re very welcome 🙂