Charlie Starr: Tolkien and Lewis
Charlie start speaks about Tolkien and Lewis
Charlie start speaks about Tolkien and Lewis
Former guest of the show, Dr. Jason Lepojärvi, returns to discuss Screwtape’s thoughts on love, sex, and marriage, as well as to listen to some Tina Turner and ask “What’s love got to do with it?”
For the “Skype Session” today, I spoke to Matt Nelson about a blog post he had written concerning where to begin with Lewis’ writings, “C.S. Lewis for beginners: A Guide”.
C.S. Lewis and the Post Modern world.
He rather conflates Lewis’ conversion to Theism and Christianity, but this is still rather wonderfully done:
After seeing the tweet announcing her goal to be invited onto a podcast in 2021 to gush about C.S. Lewis, we invited Brooke Medina onto the show to do just that!
An audio recording of one of Lewis’ famous essays.
Stephen Colbert’s Tolkien Geekdom finally pays off!
Today we hear about one of the Seven Deadly Sins, gluttony. Screwtape talks about how this vice can be disguised so that it can go completely unnoticed by the patient!