Baxter Courses

Former guest-of-the-show, Dr. Jason M. Baxter, is going to be starting two online courses soon, hosted by other former guests-of-the-show, Thomas Banks and Angelina Stanford:

Dr. Baxter appeared on the show last July to talk to us about Dante, and the first of his courses is on the same subject, “Out of the depths: The Dante You Never Knew”. It’s an 18-week class which meets twice a month.

The second course is on Brothers Karamazov and called: Dostoevsky’s Icon: Brothers Karamazov, The Christian Past, and The Modern World. It will be held on the Wednesdays of July.

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After working as a Software Engineer in England for several years, David moved to the United States in 2008, where he settled in San Diego. Then, in 2020 he married his wife, Marie, and moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin. Together they have a son, Alexander, who is adamant that Narnia should be read publication order.