DisneyCember: The Dawn Treade
The Nostalgia Critic reviews The Voyage of the Dawn Treader:..
The Nostalgia Critic reviews The Voyage of the Dawn Treader:..
In the previous episode we began discussing the second book in “The Chronicles of Narnia”, which is called “Prince Caspian”. In this episode, we finish our discussion.
00:38 Continued Analysis
22:29 Overall review of the book
27:00 Surprise Haiku!
Each Season we discuss briefly one of the Chronicles of Narnia. In Season 1 we read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. This Season, we’re reading Prince Caspian, as it was the second book to be published. In comparison to the previous book, Prince Caspian is less familiar to most people so we had to spend more time outlining the plot, so Matt and I ended up having to break up our discussion over two episodes.
01:54 Quote-of-the-week
03:16 Drink-of-the-week
06:00 Thematic overview
09:36 Recap of previous book
10:09 Discuss Prince Caspian
themes and ideas found in this fantasy work which we see taught didactically in Mere Christianity. Since Matt hadn’t read the Chronicles of Narnia, it was also a perfect opportunity to begin to correct his deficient education…
This week I was a guest on one of my favourite podcasts, The Lamp-Post Listener. The hosts, Daniel and Phil are going through C.S. Lewis’ book, […]
If you’re a member of The Bird and Baby, the CS Lewis Reading Group in San Diego, you’ll have heard me talk about The Lamp-post Listener before. […]
A cheeky video from Cinema sins…