God’s Truth or Your Truth? #3
Continuing through “The Great Divorce”…
Continuing through “The Great Divorce”…
Colin MacIver returns to the show to talk about an article he wrote in 2019 about the apperance of Bacchus and Silenus in Narnia, called […]
Occasionally one comes across a person who makes bold claims about “The Chronicles of Narnia”, not only denying that it’s the greatest children’s fiction ever written, but also that it is filled with sexism and racism. Dr. Devin Brown returns to the show to respond to these accusations.
I had previously posted Part 1 of a family-produced version of Out of the Silent Planet. They have just released Part 2 and you might recognize the voice of Hyoi…
After an interview with David yesterday, Dr. Leighton Flowers was inspired to record a livestream examining Pastor Douglas Wilson’s claims about C.S. Lewis and Narnia.
Jason Lepojarvi, the Love Doctor, is in the house…
It’s time to talk about Lewis’ use of Greek in “The Four Loves”…
The Pints With Jack crew review The Four Loves.
Andrew, David, and Matt finish the final part of “The Four Loves”.
In this episode, the crew discuss inordinate loves, the nature of God, as well as divine versions of Gift-love and Need-love.