S2E29 – AH – Dr. David Clark

Probably the most useful book I read during Season 2 of Pints With Jack was C.S. Lewis Goes To Heaven by David Clark. In today’s episode I interviewed Dr. Clark to discuss his book and wrap up our discussion of The Great Divorce.

01:51 – Introducing Dr. Clark

08:34 – Did the book take long to write?

09:14 – What’s the main point of Lewis’ book?

10:31 – What is the structure of your book?

11:54 – What were Lewis’ sources?

14:52 – The Sociology

21:01 – The Geography 25:24 – The Theology

30:32 – How should readers read your book in relation to Lewis’?

34:13 – Who drew the illustrations in your book?

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S2E27 – AH – Dale Ahlquist

t has been my desire for a while to introduce the listeners to other members of the Inklings, as well as authors who greatly influenced Lewis. Today we look at G.K. Chesterton and our special guest who will be introducing us to this great man is renowned Chesterton scholar and champion, Dale Ahlquist.

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S2E26 – PC – “Caspian Continued…”

In the previous episode we began discussing the second book in “The Chronicles of Narnia”, which is called “Prince Caspian”. In this episode, we finish our discussion.

00:38 Continued Analysis
22:29 Overall review of the book
27:00 Surprise Haiku!

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S2E25 – PC – “Prince Caspian”

Each Season we discuss briefly one of the Chronicles of Narnia. In Season 1 we read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. This Season, we’re reading Prince Caspian, as it was the second book to be published. In comparison to the previous book, Prince Caspian is less familiar to most people so we had to spend more time outlining the plot, so Matt and I ended up having to break up our discussion over two episodes.

01:54 Quote-of-the-week
03:16 Drink-of-the-week
06:00 Thematic overview
09:36 Recap of previous book
10:09 Discuss Prince Caspian

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S2E24 – Bonus – “God Save The Queen!”

A rather unusual episode this week! My girlfriend and I recently went on vacation to England, so we thought it’d be fun to sit down and tell you all about it, including how we got to play with the personal belongings of a literary giant, as well as have lunch with an Inkling’s grandson! Click on the episode title for the Show Notes!

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S2E22 – AH – Louis Markos

Today I speak to Dr. Louis Markos, Professor in English at Houston Baptist University and author of the book Heaven and Hell: Visions of the Afterlife in the Western Poetic Tradition. In this work, Professor Markos devotes a chapter to The Great Divorce, as well as the book to which Lewis was responding, Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

Click on the episode title for the Show Notes!

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S2E21 – TGD 14 – “Sunrise”

We arrive today at the final chapter of The Great Divorce. Lewis sees a vision of a chessboard to help him understand the relationship between time and eternity and the sun, which throughout this book has been hidden, finally rises…

Click on the episode title for Show Notes!

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