S4E19 – TSL 11 – “I love to Laugh”
Screwtape teaches a seminar on the different kinds of laughter and explains which serve the purposes of Hell. I was joined by David Niles and Adam Minihan, lifelong friends and co-hosts of The Catholic Man Show.
Screwtape teaches a seminar on the different kinds of laughter and explains which serve the purposes of Hell. I was joined by David Niles and Adam Minihan, lifelong friends and co-hosts of The Catholic Man Show.
Matt recently appeared as a guest on the Alto podcast run by his friend Leo Gallegos. They chatted about C.S. Lewis and about how to navigate the highs and lows of life.
The patient has been making new friends of whom Screwtape very much approves…
Last Christmas I gifted myself a copy of C.S. Lewis and The Church, which was a collection of essays in honour of Walter Hooper. Among this collection was an essay by well-known Eastern Orthodox writer, Metropolitan Kallistos Ware. In this essay he speaks about aspects of Lewis’ theology which appeals to Eastern Orthodox readers. I invited him onto the show to talk about it.
Today Screwtape presents one of his central ideas: the law of Undulation.
Earlier in the year, Matt interviewed Douglas Gresham about life with his stepfather, C.S. Lewis. Today Douglas returns to talk about his life in the post-Lewis years.
Wormwood is wondering whether he should be overt and make his presence known to the patient, or whether he should remain hidden…
Matt and I discuss Screwtape’s sixth letter where he explains how the patient’s uncertain future should be exploited.
As I’m reading through “The Screwtape Letters” this Season, I’m reading my copy of the Annotated Edition by Paul McCusker. Paul has also been involved with many of the C.S. Lewis projects from Focus On The Family, including a production of The Screwtape Letters starring Andy Serkis.