S8E19 – Perelandra – Chapter 16: “I have seen Ares and Aphrodite”
Ransom speaks to the ruling angels of Mars and Venus.
Ransom speaks to the ruling angels of Mars and Venus.
Ransom escapes his subterranean prison, and gets some much-needed R&R before ascending the mountain.
Ransom’s battle with the Un-man draws to an end, and our hero finds himself in disorienting darkness…
As the Un-man flees, Ransom follows in hot pursuit of his nemesis…
Ransom and the Un-man finally engage in combat!
Ransom wrestles with his inner self as he tries to discern his next move.
Singer/songwriter Matt Wheeler was one of the special guests who joined Pints With Jack to celebrate C. S. Lewis’ birthday. He joined David to discuss his songwriting inspirations, particularly regarding a song he played on #CSLewisReadingDay.
Show Notes –
With Matt away, it’s left to Andrew and David discuss the truth and lies of the Unman’s arguments.
The Unman continues to tempt the Green Lady, through vanity and stories of self-martyrdom. The walls appear to be slowly closing in, and Ransom perceives that the present state cannot continue forever.
Sørina Higgins returns to the show to talk about an upcoming conference, Ideas Worth Saving: Show Notes 01. “Life Updates” 02. “Ideas Worth Saving” 03. […]