The Common Room – July 2023
After not recording together in a while, the gang exchange life updates and Matt asks about an Anglican archbishop who suggested that the Lord’s prayer might be triggering…
The co-hosts jump on video chat for thirty minutes…
After not recording together in a while, the gang exchange life updates and Matt asks about an Anglican archbishop who suggested that the Lord’s prayer might be triggering…
Matt asks David a question and it goes in some surprising directions.
Andrew and David talk about the joys of getting older…
Andrew and David talk about the season of Lent and share a little bit about their prayer lives…
What else could we do but talk about the new Amazon show, “The Rings of Power”?
It’s been a while since we all got together, so we jumped on a call to share some life updates…
I couldn’t make this month’s Common Room, but Andrew and Matt got together to talk about idolatry…
After abandoning us in May, Andrew returns in June to tell us what he’s been up to…
Andrew was extremely busy, so this month’s Common Room was just David and Matt. They discussed the recent Ecumenism Month this past April.
In the March edition of “The Common Room” we spoke about The Love Languages.