God’s Truth or Your Truth? #9
Who Was George MacDonald, And Why Is He So Important In Understanding Lewis And The Great Divorce? Some quotations: TO MR. N. FRIDAMA, who seems to have […]
Who Was George MacDonald, And Why Is He So Important In Understanding Lewis And The Great Divorce? Some quotations: TO MR. N. FRIDAMA, who seems to have […]
Back when we discussed The Horse and His Boy, I came across some rather lovely artwork…
The videos from the recent Montreat conference are now available, but my favourite has to be Dr. Don W. King’s presentation.
Till We Have Faces has now officially become a ballet!
Trevin Wax has written about Lewis’ relationship with Mrs. Moore over at The Gospel Coalition.
Did you know that Pope Benedict liked Lewis’ book, “The Abolition of Man”?
Rev. McGreevy continues..
A picture a friend took in Leawood, Kansas, showing Lewis among the greats…
Do you know about the conference in South Carolina at the end of January 2023?
Rev. McGreevy continues his walk through “The Great Divorce”…