Creation is alive!
Stumbled across this interesting clip which speaks about our conception of creation.
Stumbled across this interesting clip which speaks about our conception of creation.
There’s a call for Submissions for the C. S. Lewis and the Middle Ages sessions at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo, Michigan).
Every year we celebrate “Sidecar Day” with our Patreon supporters. Here’s how to make the corresponding cocktail.
I’ve just heard about an upcoming C.S. Lewis Symposium at Ulster University
The Michigan C.S. Lewis Festival is next month!
The Inklings Fellowship had a residential week in Oxford again this year. Here are links to videos of the various presentations.
There are some quite cool C.S. Lewis t-shirts out there… I thought I’d catalogue some of my favourites here:
This month we’re focussing on Lewis’ poetry
Andrew Klavan raving about C.S. Lewis.