Erudition Series – Most Erudite Person in History: The Playoffs
With the prior post, I have completed my case for C.S. Lewis being the “most erudite person in history.” Now I move on to determining […]
With the prior post, I have completed my case for C.S. Lewis being the “most erudite person in history.” Now I move on to determining […]
Over the past three posts, I have addressed the output, or legacy, of C.S. Lewis’ erudition. If a person is to be considered a plausible […]
There are some quite cool C.S. Lewis t-shirts out there… I thought I’d catalogue some of my favourites here:
This month we’re focussing on Lewis’ poetry
Over the past few posts, I have addressed the output, or impact, of C.S. Lewis’ erudition. My assumption is that a person of erudition of […]
In the previous post, I addressed the product, or output, of C.S. Lewis’ erudition as measured by the books that he wrote. My assumption is […]
Andrew Klavan raving about C.S. Lewis.
This is the first of four posts on the question: What did C.S. Lewis accomplish with his erudition”. I begin with a review of Lewis’ […]
We will take a second brief intermission to review what we have accomplished before I move forward to close out my “Case for C.S. Lewis.” […]