Not as Unwise but as Wise #24

everend Brian McGreevy continues his series, Not as Unwise but as Wise: Reflections from C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man and That Hideous Strength on Living Christianly in a Post-Christian World.

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Not as Unwise but as Wise #23

Reverend Brian McGreevy continues his series, Not as Unwise but as Wise: Reflections from C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man and That Hideous Strength on Living Christianly in a Post-Christian World.

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Apologetics Month (May 2022)

C.S. Lewis was one of the best-known apologists of the 20th Century. In the series this month, we interview a number of different apologists who unpack some of the arguments which he proposed.

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Narnia Invite

My Mum came across the invitations I made when I invited my friends to come to our house to watch the premiere of the BBC Narnia adaptation.

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