Commonplace Quote
Shane Hull over at Commonplace Quote has been posting lots of great Lewis, Tolkien, and Chesterton quotations on his Instagram page.
Shane Hull over at Commonplace Quote has been posting lots of great Lewis, Tolkien, and Chesterton quotations on his Instagram page.
What are we up to in between seasons?
To mark the anniversary of Lewis’ death, here’s a little video where Lewis’ parish, Holy Trinity, is tour and the grave where he was laid to rest is visited…
Some more light about the “disordering” of the Narnian Chronicles…
A lecture from former guest-of-the-show, Dr. Donald Williams
Wilson Bento was recently reading The Magician’s Nephew, one of his favorite Narnia books, to his kids at bedtime story and after they went to sleep, he composed something that would remind him of Chapter 3…
The journey through “The Great Divorce” continues…
My brothers-in-law and I are reading through G.K. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy at the moment. Here are my notes…
The journey through “The Great Divorce”…
Another episode of William O’Flaherty‘s new YouTube show… (mentioning us!)