S4E43 – AH – “After Hours” with Carolyn Curtis

Carolyn Curtis, co-editor of “Women and C.S. Lewis”, came on the show to discuss her book which was recently rereleased as an audiobook. In this work she gathers together a large number of C.S. Lewis writers to examine C.S. Lewis’ life and literature in order to understand his relationship with women and respond to those who would charge Lewis with sexism.

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S4E42 – TSL 21 – “I want it now!”

Today we come to David’s least favourite letter from Uncle Screwtape which is on the subject of possessiveness, particularly with regards to time. Joining him today is a returning guest to the show, Sister Natalia from the “What God Is Not podcast”, together with another nun from her convent, Sister Petra.

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Virtual Tour of Lewis’ Home!

We have teamed up with the C.S. Lewis Foundation and will be offering a free virtual tour of C.S. Lewis’ home to all of our Patreon supporters, regardless of tier. While the tour is free, we do ask all Patreon supporters to sign up for the event.

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S4E41 – AH – “After Hours” with Michael Ward

In 2008, Dr. Michael Ward released “Planet Narnia”, a book which caused a real stir in C.S. Lewis studies in which he offered a new lens through which to view “The Chronicles of Narnia”. On today’s show, in addition to his book, Dr. Ward discusses his friendship with the late Walter Hooper, as well as his involvement in honouring Lewis’ life and legacy. Oh yes, and he also explains how he came to give James Bond a pair of x-ray glasses…

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S4E37 – AH – “After Hours” with Chris R. Armstrong

For Christmas this year, David gave Matt a book by Dr. Chris R. Armstrong called “Medieval Wisdom for Modern Christians”, in which the author encourages his readers to draw from the riches of the Medieval Church, using C.S. Lewis as their example and model. In today’s episode Matt discusses this book with its author.

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