Half Pint with Justin Brierley (“The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God”)
Former guest-of-the-show and former host of the Unbelievable? podcast joined David “for a swift half” to talk about his new book, “The Surprising Rebirth of belief in God”.
Former guest-of-the-show and former host of the Unbelievable? podcast joined David “for a swift half” to talk about his new book, “The Surprising Rebirth of belief in God”.
Aslan lying on the Stone Table is a quintessential Narnian image, but does it also give us a vision of the Atonement? David interviews Dr. Charles Taliaferro about “A Narnian vision of the Atonement: A defense of the Ransom Theory” to find out…
Together with Andrew’s wife, the co-hosts wrap up “The Magician’s Nephew”. It’s a long one today!
Andrew sits down with Dr. Christin Ditchfield-Lazo (“Lazo the Greater”/”Lazo Major”) to talk about a shared love of the writer Henri Nouwen.
Today we begin Narnia Month by reading “The Magician’s Nephew”, joined by Andrew’s wife, Dr. Christin Ditchfield-Lazo.
Andrew interviews Dr. Crystal Downing, Codirector of the Wade Center, about Dorothy L. Sayers.
As we approach the end of “Jack’s Bookshelf”, we welcome Rachel Sherlock from the “Risking Enchantment” podcast to talk about one of the more surprising influences on Lewis, Jane Austen.
Continuing our perusal of “Jack’s Bookshelf”, today David interview co-host of “Classical Stuff You Should Know”, Graeme Donaldson, about the author of Paradise Lost, John Milton.
As we continue to browse through Jack’s bookshelf, David interviews Dr. Sarah Waters about William Shakespeare.
Dr. Michael Dauphinais joins David for a half-pint to discuss the links between “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”, and the book from this week’s “Jack’s Bookshelf”, Dante Aligeri’s “Divine Comedy”.