S2E39 – Bonus – “North Carolina, Day 3: Electric Boogaloo”
Matt and I talk about the final day of the International C.S. Lewis Symposium and our final adventure before leaving North Carolina.
Matt and I talk about the final day of the International C.S. Lewis Symposium and our final adventure before leaving North Carolina.
It’s our second day at the C.S. Lewis Symposium. Matt and I sit down before dinner and discuss the events of the day…
Matt and I are in Montreat for the International C.S. Lewis Symposium. It’s the end of the first day and so we pull out the microphones and have a quick chat…
I’m sitting in the airport in Charlotte, North Carolina, waiting for Matt, so I thought I’d record a quick message and share with you an extract from my interview on The Catholic Man Show where I talk about The Screwtape Letters.
This is just a short episode to announce the launch of our new Pints With Jack logo! This design came from Matthew James Covington from Plena Gratia Designs.
In preparation for our reading of Till We Have Faces, Matt interviews Emily LaPorte.
Today Matt and I finish up last week’s recording by reading some listener mail.
It’s been a while since Matt and I got behind a microphone together. Today we bring you up-to-speed with what’s been happening in our lives. We had intended to also read some listener messages, but we ran out of time. We’ll do that in the next episode!
At the beginning of Season 2, I interviewed author Patti Callahan about her latest book, Becoming Mrs. Lewis. Now at the close of the Season, Patti returns to talk to Matt about her own podcast, Behind the Scenes of Becoming Mrs. Lewis.
Several times on Pints With Jack I have spoken about another podcast, “Unbelievable?”, hosted by Justin Brierley. Earlier in this Season I spoke about reading Justin’s book, remarking on the considerable number of C.S. Lewis quotations found throughout. Following that episode, Justin and I connected on Twitter and I invited him onto the show to talk about C.S. Lewis, his faith, his podcast and his book.