S3E11 – AA – Christine Norvell
I sat down with Christine Norvell to talk about C.S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces and her Reading Companion.
I sat down with Christine Norvell to talk about C.S. Lewis, Till We Have Faces and her Reading Companion.
Matt and I have finally launched a Patreon account! If you want to financially support the podcast, we’ll send you swag! In this episode, we outline the different tiers available and interview Nick, our audio engineer…
Orual tries to work out what’s going on with Psyche by discussing the matter with Bardia and the Fox. Is she mad? Who is it that comes to her in the night? The god? The Brute? A man?
Orual has finally found Psyche, but their meeting doesn’t go as expected, as it turns out they experience life on the Mountain very differently…
After a couple of weeks off, we return to Glome and Till We Have Faces. Orual ascends the mountain to bury what remains of Psyche, and she is met with quite a surprise…
Matt and I didn’t manage to get together to record this week, so I thought I’d do a solo episode today. Last month I was on the Talking Beasts podcast discussing Dr. Michael Ward’s The Narnia Code and therefore thought it would make a good subject for today’s episode.
In previous years, Matt and I have recorded a Christmas episode, but we thought that for this year we’d record a New Year Show. We chat about our New Year traditions, as well as our hopes for 2020…
Psyche has been condemned to be sacrificed. Orual and the Fox try and convince the King to take action. When this fails, Orual visits Psyche, but is it to receive or give comfort?
We last left Oroual during a happy time in her life. Over the course of the upcoming chapters, life in Glome takes a turn for the worst…
Today we get stuck into the chapters of Till We Have Faces! In the first two chapters of the book, Lewis sets the scene for his story in the fictional city of Glome.