Sørina Higgins returns to the show to talk about an upcoming conference, Ideas Worth Saving:
Show Notes
01. “Life Updates”
02. “Ideas Worth Saving”
03. “Keynotes”
04. “David’s Ideas Worth Saving”
- The Lord of the Rings
- The Great Divorce
- Why do bad things happen to good people
- Where is God when it hurts?
- The Problem of Pain
- A Grief Observed
- Perelandra
- Out of the Silent Planet
- That Hideous Strength
05. “Living Tradition”
06. “Submitting Papers”
07. “Theological Holdings”
- The Internet Archive
- The Lecturn iPad used to be sold by HayesFinch.com
08. “Location”
- Where: San Fransisco, The Internet Archive
- When: January 30th-February 1st
09. “Public Evening Events”
10. “Adaptation degradation?”
11. “Costume Competition”
- Mythmakers Podcast
- The Hunger Games fashion:

12. “Charles Williams Month”
- Charles Williams A Reader’s Guide for Beginners