C. S. Lewis Connected: Merely 70

The C. S. Lewis & Kindred Spirits Society has an announcement about an upcoming event this Thursday!

Our new C. S. Lewis Connected session on November 17th marks an important and significant event: the publication seventy years ago of Mere Christianity written by the Oxford and Cambridge scholar and Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Literature, C. S. Lewis. This book has sold more than 20 million copies since and has been ranked as one of the two most important Christian books of all time. Lewis never deviates from a calm, sensible approach in this book, never shouts at his readers, but assumes that they are rational people as well. At the same time, he had the rare gift of being able to communicate to all levels of audiences. 

We are especially pleased that our guest will be Dr. Michael Ward, C. S. Lewis scholar and specialist from Oxford and author of many books and articles about C. S. Lewis, including most recently After Humanity: A Guide to C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man (2021), who will share with us his insights on Mere ChristianityOur host is as always Dr. Kirstin Jefferey Johnson, George MacDonald scholar from Canada.

Lewis’s work has proven to be meaningful and exciting to millions of readers, which is why he has come to be regarded as one of the most important authors of the last 100 years. This is also why C. S. Lewis and Kindred Spirits Society and the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, are hosting this event promoting dialogue on matters of eternal value

Please sign up for it here!

Posted in Mere Christianity.

After working as a Software Engineer in England for several years, David moved to the United States in 2008, where he settled in San Diego. Then, in 2020 he married his wife, Marie, and moved to La Crosse, Wisconsin. Together they have a son, Alexander, who is adamant that Narnia should be read publication order.