To simplify participation in C. S. Lewis Reading Day, we’ve created a large number of graphics for people to post on social media with the hash tag, #CSLewisReadingDay.
A Grief Observed

An Experiment In Criticism

Collected Letters

English Literature in the Sixteenth Century


Letters to an American Lady

Letters to Malcolm

Mere Christianity


Out of the Silent Planet



Reflections on the Psalms

Surprised By Joy

Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature

That Hideous Strength

The Abolition of Man

The Allegory of Love

The Chronicles of Narnia

The Four Loves

The Great Divorce

The Pilgrim’s Regress

The Problem of Pain

The Screwtape Letters

Till We Have Faces

Special Graphics
Not Lewis!

Pints With Jack

Sidecar Day

Valentines Day

Walter Hooper