Today on Pints With Jack, we do a deep-dive into the life and work of J.R.R. Tolkien with Alan and Shawn from The Prancing Pony podcast.
S3E42: “After Hours” with The Prancing Pony (Download)
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Time Stamps
00:00:00 – Introductory music
00:00:13 – Welcome
00:00:23 – Introductions
00:01:58 – Drink-of-the-week
00:03:14 – Quote-of-the-week
00:03:45 – Patreon Toast
00:04:47 – About Alan and Shawn
00:07:33 – Podcast genesis
00:13:57 – Podcast format
00:16:31 – How has it changed you?
00:22:08 – Introduction to Tolkien
00:28:48 – The Father Christmas Letters
00:31:36 – Tolkien’s Career
00:38:03 – The Silmarillion
00:48:19 – Minor Works
00:51:33 – How to become an expert!
00:58:19 – “This vs. That” Quiz
01:08:06 – “Last Call” Bell
01:08:19 – The Prancing Pony Info
01:09:37 – Closing Remarks
YouTube Version
After Show Skype Session
Show Notes
• Today I spoke with Alan (left) and Shawn (right) from The Prancing Pony podcast.

The Prancing Pony Podcast is a weekly podcast about the Middle-earth legendarium of J.R.R. Tolkien, hosted by the real-life Lord of the Mark, Shawn E. Marchese, and the Man of the West, Alan Sisto. They are passionate Tolkien enthusiasts who invite listeners to enjoy their detailed exploration of Tolkien’s work, with smart but straightforward discussion and a heavy dose of humour (and song references)! In each episode they cover a chapter of one of Tolkien’s works: reading their favorite passages, discussing recurring themes, and highlighting connections to other Middle-earth tales, to showcase the rich tapestry woven by the master storyteller, J.R.R. Tolkien.
Introduction to “The Prancing Pony” podcast
• The drink-of-the-week was Dragon’s Milk Beer. Alan was enjoying water and Shawn was drinking his own home brew.
• The quote-of-the-week came from Lewis’ diary, where he describes first meeting J.R.R. Tolkien:
“[Tolkien was a] smooth, pale, fluent little chap… No harm in him: only needs a smack or so.”
Diary of C.S. Lewis after meeting Tolkien for the first time.
• We toasted a Patreon supporter, James:
James, may the blessing of Elves and Men and all Free Folk go with you, wherever you go, and may the stars shine upon your face! (Elrond)
Toast for James, one of our Patreon supporters
• Alan and Shawn shared some of their own personal backstories.
• They then told the story of how they began to start their podcast.
• I then asked them to explain the format and contents of their podcast.
• I asked how hosting a Tolkien podcast has changed them and their appreciation of The Professor’s Work work.
• I asked the guys to give us an introduction to Tolkien and share some of his background.
During this discussion they mentioned Colm Meaney who played Fr. Francis Morgan, whom I knew as Chief O’Brian from Star Trek:

The guys recommended the biography of Tolkien by Humphrey Carpenter and encouraged listeners to check out the Prancing Pony Library
• We heard about the Father Christmas letters written by Tolkien to his children:

• We then turned to the subject of Tolkien’s career as Philologist.
• Alan and Shawn then gave a brief introduction to The Silmarillion and explained how Christopher Tolkien brought his father’s work to print.
• I recently read Leaf By Niggle and loved it, so I asked for recommendations of Tolkien’s other works.
• Alan and Shawn know so much about Tolkien – how do we all become experts?!
• Alan and Shawn then answered my “This vs. That” Quiz:
- Tea or Coffee?
- Elves or Dwarves?
- Early Bird or Night Owl?
- Gandalf or Radagast?
- Call or text?
- Tom Bombadil: Wonderful or Wretched?
- iPhone or Android?
- Pippin or Merry?
- Shelob or Nazgul?
- Second Breakfast or Elevenses?
- Boromir or Faramir?
- Balrogs: Wings or wingless?
- Bagels or croissants?
- The movies or the book?
- Arwen or Eowyn?
- Rivendell or Lothlorien?
- Gollum or Jar Jar Binks?
- Tolkien or Lewis?
During the quiz I commented on my theory that the Hobbit meals are modeled after The Liturgy of the Hours.