Today Season 3 draws to a close! Matt and I got together to chat, talk about this past season and let you know what to expect in Season 4…
S3E50: “Season Finale” (Download)
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More information about us can be found on our website, PintsWithJack.com. If you’d like to support us and get fantastic gifts, please join us on Patreon.
The roadmap for Season 3 is available here.
Time Stamps
00:00:00 – Entering “The Eagle & Child”…
00:00:11 – Welcome
00:01:33 – Drink-of-the-week
00:02:50 – Quote-of-the-week
00:03:48 – Patreon Toast
00:04:21 – “Eagle Rare” Tasting Notes
00:06:09 – Matt COVID Update
00:08:03 – David COVID Update
00:09:48 – Every Moment Holy (Homesickness)
00:14:00 – Download Achievement
00:14:50 – Launched Patreon
00:19:12 – PWJ Swag
00:20:53 – Season 3 Guests
00:26:23 – Visiting Friends
00:28:45 – Pints With Slack
00:29:46 – Video Chatting
00:30:00 – What does Matt actually do?
00:31:41 – Face/Off
00:32:18 – Advertising PWJ
00:35:01 – Listener Messages
00:46:42 – The Break
00:47:15 – Narnia Anniversary
00:48:26 – History Bites England Tour
00:49:23 – Write us a Review!
00:49:31 – Recent Reviews
00:59:51 – Season 4 Planning
01:04:34 – “Last Call” Bell and Closing Remarks
YouTube Version
After Show Skype Session
No Skype Session today!
Show Notes
• The drink-of-the-week was Eagle Rare.
• The quote-of-the-week:
“We must try to take life moment by moment. The actual present is usually pretty tolerable, I think, if only we refrain from adding to its burden that of the past and the future”
C.S. Lewis to Mary Willis Shelburne
• Patreon Toast:
“John, thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. May the sehnsucht never grow dull. Cheers!”
Toast for John Marr
• COVID update.
“David should remember that a happy wife is a happy life. As you both slide down the bannister of life may the splinters face the right way”
Kevin from Ireland
I have been recording in my closet:

• Every Moment Holy by Douglas McKelvey
Let me steward well, Lord Christ, this gift of homesickness — this grieving for a childhood gone, this ache for distant family, lost fellowship, past laughter, shared lives, and the sense that I was somewhere I belonged. It is a good, good thing to have a home. But now that I have gone from it, let me steward well, O God, this homesick gift, as I know my wish for what has been is not some solitary ache, but is woven with a deeper longing for what will one day be. This yearning to return to what I knew is, even more than that, a yearning for a place my eyes have yet to see. So let me steward this sacred yearning well. Homesickness is indeed a holy thing, like the slow burning of an immortal beacon, set ablaze to bid us onward.
• Begin Season 3 review. I’m very pleased to announce that we’ve now passed a total of 200,000 downloads!
• We started Patreon this season and we just achieved all our original goals. We’re now going to add a few more goals to fund six episodes a month. After that, we’ll get creative…
• PWJ Swag. T-Shirts. Glasses.
• In addition to reading Till We Have Faces, we’ve had a series of really great guests on the show: Jason Lepojärvi, Lina Maslo, David Beckman, Dr. Steven Beebe, Christine Norvelle, Brenton Dickieson, and Rev Brian McGreevy. In Tolkien Month we had Tolkien Road, Tea with Tolkien, Joseph Laconte, and Diana Glyer. A listener from The Prancing Pony podcast misread the entry and thought our podcast was called “Pants with Jack”.
• The podcasts we’ve been on: Quizzical Papist, Matt’s Notre Dame talk, my own talks and appearances The Counsel of Trent The Tolkien Road.
• I encouraged Matt to read the first chapter of the Silmarillion:
• Getting to know our listeners better. Slack. Video chatting with our top-tier supporters.
• People advertising us:
Hey Gang! I wanted to share a podcast that I have been really enjoying recently…
“Reasonable Faith” (Midland Chapter)”
“Just discovered the @pwj podcast… goodbye life while I catch up”
[Treebeard finds his wife]
Susan wrote some great stuff on our Facebook page about the Fox’s comment where he wishes he were Hermes or Odysseus. Beth had some great comments about The Narnia Code. Cory reached out and asked if we had listened to the Focus on the Family Narnia series… One lady wrote to us saying that our podcast has helped with her insomnia!…although she assures us that this isn’t a criticism?!
• This past Season we’ve also had quite a lot of delightful messages from people when they find the podcast: Had a lovely email from Peter doing just that. Annie sent us a message on Instagram saying that she discovered us through Andrew Lazo. Maria sent us a message on Facebook. Shane, who is an Anglican priest who worked at Jack’s grandfather’s parish in Ireland sent us a tweet to say hi. Paul, the chaplain of the C.S. Lewis Student Center at the University of South Carolina reached out. Madeline sent us a message on Instagram to say that her younger brother told her about the podcast. Melanie messaged us on Instagram to say that she was reading her daughter’s copy of The Great Divorce and found our podcast name written in the margin! Casey discovered us after the guys from The Prancing Pony were on our show. Michael sent us an email saying that he’d been burning through the first two seasons while working on his farm. It turns out that his brother-in-law is a priest I know, Fr. Nathan Cromly from Eagle Eye Ministries (he does lots of wilderness retreats)
Kelly messaged us through the website:
Hi! I just wanted to say listening to this while I’ve been working from home alone has been a joy. I ordered all three of the books and am looking forward to reading TWHF and MC… In the meantime, I’ve been listening to the After Hours interviews and talks. Matt’s talk about true self and false self hit very close to home and was very helpful. I’m looking forward to the rest! Thank you for all you guys do!
Kelly via the website
Hey all! Dallas, Texas here! S3E34 Made me laugh. 15 mins in you start by saying “TWHF” should be read slowly. I’m such an American. I read it in 3 days. I have 3 kids. I’m not sure how I did it, but I did! I loved it! I saw so many quotes attributed to Jack that were written in the characters of the book. How different they are when given context. I love this book dearly because Jack did a fabulous job capturing the heart of a fallen woman (with the help of Joy) grasping control, beauty, and stability. Though they had somewhat little time together this work between Joy and Jack really drove a staple into my heart. Thanks for your podcast!
We had a delightful message sent via our website from Evan:
Hey guys,
For a few years now, I have been the guy who is always bringing up Lewis and his work in most of my spiritual conversations. So a couple of months ago my mentor, who had heard your podcast referenced in another podcast, pointed me in your direction. It has been a real pleasure listening to the two of you summarize and explain Lewis’ thoughts clearly and concisely, bringing perspectives other than my own narrow one to his work, and by extension to Christ’s work.
I started at the very beginning with Mere Christianity as that seemed the only sensible thing to do, and just finished today. I was particularly struck by the idea of Theosis. I’m not sure if it’s just an idea I’ve never heard before as an evangelical, or if I’ve just never understood what others were trying to teach me, but it has been exceptionally thought provoking for me.
I’m excited to dive into The Great Divorce with you, which I just finished reading again about a week ago. The Great Divorce highlights well one of the things I really appreciate about Lewis, i.e. that his ideas and beliefs were so fleshed out and real in his mind, that he sets them out clearly and logically in Mere Christianity, and then goes on explaining them in all his other works.
Separately, I appreciate hearing what you are drinking and how you like it, especially when it’s whiskey. Just in the last couple of years I’ve developed a taste for whiskey, and in particular Scotch, but I don’t often get to imbibe or try anything new. I enjoy hearing about the different drinks you are enjoying and hearing a mini review so I can make a wish list for the future.
Thanks for all of your work putting this together. I look forward to hearing more of your insights on Lewis’ work and the Christian life as we travel together in Christ further up and further in.
Grace wrote and said:
“Hi! I’ve been a Lewis lover since the womb and after 2 and a half decades that love has only grown. TWHF is one of my favourites of his and I probably read it twice a year. But after listening to the last season I have found myself quoting it when faced with bogus situations… ”Lies of poets!!” usually gets whipped out when an inanimate object (most frequently technology) acts like it isn’t working, isn’t charged, won’t send, or won’t turn on when it is truly in perfect working order. It has made me laugh and I thought it might make you two smile as well. Thanks for the great content and please keep it coming!”
Christine on YouTube wrote:
I have been listening to your podcast every day since I discovered Pints With Jack a week ago! You have no idea how much your channel has encouraged me to read more Lewis, dive deeper, and allowed me to see what he was trying to communicate. I am praying that the world will find your channel soon and discover what a gem this dynamic duo is!
• 70th Anniversary Video of LWW. To commemorate 70th anniversary of the publishing of LWW, NarniaWeb – in cooperation with The C.S. Lewis Company – is producing a short video which will be released in October of fans around the world reading the same scene from LWW. Please do it while holding a PWJ glass or a PWJ t-shirt!
• History Bites Tour Solomon Schmidt reached out and asked us if we’d let people know about a tour of England he’s organizing for next year. I don’t know him, but I had a look at the tour and it looks pretty great. Those who go will be visiting iconic sites relating to J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and J.K. Rowling. Solomon will be the main guide, but he’s also got Dr. Tom Shippey as a guest speaker, who is a big name in Tolkien studies. Find out more details on https://historybites.com/tour/. Once again I’ll put a link in the Show Notes. Solomon has written some books about Tolkien and Lewis, as well as produced videos on his YouTube channel, so he may well be a guest on the show at some point anyway…
• Something else you can do while you’re waiting for Season 4 is to write us a review on iTunes! We currently have 222 reviews in the US iTunes. We only have one in Canada, but it’s a corker…
I found these guys in the summer during a challenge to read a collection of Lewis books where the prize was some expensive and fancy ice cream I figured I needed someone to explain what the guy meant… I ended up binging through about a zillion episodes since I could do that as I worked every day. It was so much fun and also so interesting! My reading challenge which could have ended with he summer and some delicious ice cream turned into a love for C.S. Lewis. Since then I’ve been reading more of his books and rereading The Great Divorce because it’s so good. I also did a novel study in my English class on Till We Have Faces. It was a shame the new season wasn’t out at that time because I totally would have loved to read along while I did the project because that is one confusing book. Still I’m loving reading it again with David and Matt. I’ve also branched out into…books about Lewis. I’m reading Becoming Mrs Lewis right now and loving it! These guys are great and will make anyone fall in love with C.s. Lewis (and bring a lot of laughs along the way)! Thanks for the great podcast – Samantha
Samantha, Community of Lewis Lovers
“The hosts have a delightful, playful chemistry as they pursue a shared love in an intellectually rigorous but not at all stodgy way. I look forward to every episode”
Paul U, A delight
What I heard so far, I’d have say the podcast is a little ripper. You blokes are cooking with gas.
ReallySerious (Australia), “Backing Jack” review
Stumbled across this podcast. I’ve never read C.S. Lewis before. I’m very much enjoying reading along week by week! Thank you guys for opening my eyes to Jack!!!
Where has Jack been all my life?!
Found this podcast through Trent Horn. The Catholic combo of co hosts David and Matt is really quite fantastic. Their personalities are different, but they both contribute to making the podcast very profound and insightful with many chuckles and “cheers” along the way. Excellent sound quality…
Amazing podcast, they know their C.S. Lewis
Someone on Podbean left a review saying that they had binged Season 1 in a week! Another person described it as the next best thing to a book club.
“A thorough and thoughtful discussion of the works of CS Lewis which gets better and better… I have loved Lewis and devoured his books for many years but I have found this podcast enriching, bringing out many new ideas and perspectives. I hope others enjoy this as much as a I do”
I thoroughly enjoy this podcast. Matt and David do an excellent job distilling the work of one of my favourite authors… But what I appreciate most is their goal is not merely to plumb the depths of the author, profound and influential a thinker though he be. Rather, their clear desire is to know God and to, “spur one another on to love and good works.” Keep up the good work gentlemen. Further up, and further in!
Not sure why this isn’t the #1 Theology or Christian podcast in the world. Somehow they take some of the best, deepest materials…and unfold it in a way that’s even deeper still yet more accessible. Their delivery as a duo is a great fit with just enough playfulness to be personable and relatable without wasting my time on unproductive banter. Good literature is timeless and they’ve extracted the essential oils that’ll keep you wanting to keep wafting in the fragrance time and time again. – David Roscoe
Best all around Theology podcast
• Trailer for Season 4.
• It’ll start in September… The books The Screwtape Letters Screwtape Proposes a Toast The Silver Chair The team will be growing Andrew Lazo will be joining His TWHF read-along on Facebook Guest co-hosts: Jason Lepojärvi, Brenton Dickieson, Rev. McGreevy, Trent Horn, … Specials Owen Barfield month Poetry Month
• Reminders Reviews Patreon Chris, John, Kate and Rowdy…thank you for your support. Merchandise Social Media Share to let people know that we’re starting Season 4 and a fresh book. Gift friends copies of The Screwtape Letters!
Thank you for another great season. In these crazy times it is so delightful to walk along with you and our fellow Christian pilgrims discovering the joy of Christ led by our magnanimous guide and friend Jack. Cheers! Mo