After talking about “storge” this month, David talks to Dr. Don W. King about Jack’s brother, Warren.
S5E10: “Soldier, Writer, Inkling” – After Hours with Dr. Don W. King (Download)
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Show Notes
“The other blessing was my brother. Though three years my senior, he never seemed to be an elder brother; we were allies, not to say confederates, from the first”
C.S. Lewis, Surprised By Joy
Biographical Information
Dr. Don W. King received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. He has taught at Montreat College for forty-seven years, teaching courses in British literature with a focus on Shakespeare, Chaucer, Milton, Romantic literature, Victorian literature, and 20th century British literature. He is a recipient of the distinguished “Professor of the Decade” award.
Dr. King is an active researcher and writer, publishing numerous books and over 60 articles. A Lewis scholar, he has published five books, including: C.S. Lewis, Poet: The Legacy of His Poetic Impulse, as well as Out of My Bone: The Letters of Joy Davidman and a critical study of her works, Yet One More Spring.
Dr. King has also contributed articles to “The C.S. Lewis Readers’ Encyclopedia” and to “C.S. Lewis—Life, Works, and Legacy.” He has also led week-long summer seminars at Lewis’s home for the C.S. Lewis Foundation.
He is currently writing a book about Jack’s brother: “Soldier, Writer, Inkling: A Life of Warren Hamilton Lewis”…
Biographical details of Dr. Don W. King
1. “Background”
- Would you mind telling the listeners a little more about yourself?
- At what point in your life did you encounter the works of C.S. Lewis?
2. “Interest in Warnie”
- When did you encounter C.S. Lewis’ brother?
- So what was it which prompted you to write a whole book on Warnie?
- What have been your sources for research?
- What are “The Lewis Papers”?
3. “Childhood and Early Career”
- How would you characterise Warnie’s childhood?
- How good a writer is Warnie in comparison to Jack?
- How did Warnie find school?
4. “Military Career”
- After he completed his education, Warnie entered the army – what was his career like?
5. “Journey of Faith”
- Most listeners will know about how Lewis lost his faith and found it again. What was Warnie’s journey on that score?
- Did Warnie explain why he didn’t become a Buddhist?
6. “Life at the Kilns”
- Warnie eventually moved into The Kilns with Jack, Mrs. Moore and her daughter, Maureen. What was life like there? Was there much storge Affection in the home?
- Eros enters Lewis’ life in the form of Joy Davidman and the two marry. How did Warnie feel about his brother’s new wife?
- While we’re talking about eros, I heard from Dr. Diana Glyer about Blanche Biggs, a female missionary doctor in Papua New Guinea with whom Warnie corresponded for some time. How did that relationship begin and do you think it was storge, philia or eros?
7. “Alcoholism”
- Warnie struggled with alcohol for much of his life. When did that begin and how would you characterise it?
8. “Warnie, The Writer”
- Warnie was also a writer – what did he write?
- How did he get into French history?
- If C.S. Lewis fans wanted to get into Warnie’s writing, where would you recommend they begin?
9. “After Jack”
- Lewis died in 1963, but his brother didn’t attend the funeral as he was drunk at home.
- Warnie lived for another decade – what did he do during that time?
10. “Upcoming Book”
- So let’s wrap-up today’s episode by focusing on your upcoming book. First of all, when is it expected to be released?
- How are you going to cover Warnie’s life in the book? Chronologically? Thematically? In relation to Lewis’ own story?
- Was there anything which surprised you as you were conducting your research, or any aspects of Warnie’s life which are commonly unknown or overlooked?
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