Anyone who has listened to the show this season will know that Matt loves the writing of Sr. Miriam James. As an early birthday present for Matt, David reached out and invited her onto the show to talk to Matt about her recent book, Loved as I am…
S5E37: “Loved as I am” – After Hours with Sr. Miriam James Heidland (Download)
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Show Notes
“There really are only two options: serve God and live in authentic love, or serve the Evil one and live in selfishness. This whole life on earth is a battle between these two choices.”
Sr. Miriam James, Loved As I Am
“The question isn’t ‘what is the least amount of work I need to do?’ the question is, ‘How free do I want to be?’”
“No amount of lust, greed, glamour, pleasure, or fame will ever satisfy us because we weren’t made for falsehood and passing things.”
Biographical Information
Sr. Miriam James Heidland is a former Division I athlete who had a radical conversion and joined the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) in 1998.
Her story has been featured on EWTN’s The Journey Home, SEEK Conferences, Steubenville Conferences and other outlets.
She holds a Master’s degree in Theology from the Augustine Institute and speaks extensively on the topics of conversion, authentic love, forgiveness and healing. She is also affiliated with the John Paul II Healing Center in leading healing retreats for priests and religious sisters across the nation.
Sr. Miriam’s podcast, Abiding Together, can be found on iTunes.
Her books, Restore: A Guided Lent Journal and Loved As I Am can be found on Amazon.
She tweets at @onegroovynun
Biographical Information for Sr. Miriam James
David drove Sr. Miriam around San Diego when she was speaking at a local Steubenville Conference.
Matt first came across Sr. Miriam on an episode of Pints With Aquinas:
Matt then bought Loved as I am, as well as a book which she recommended, Be Healed, and then read Restore in his Lent group!
1. “Personal Journey”
- Could you please tell us a little bit more about yourself?
2. “Vulnerable Conversations”
3. “Sr. Miriam’s Journey”
- Would you mind sharing a little bit of your journey of healing?
4. “Beginning the healing”
- If someone realizes that he or she needs healing, where should that person begin?

5. “Inviting in Jesus”
- After we’ve identified those parts of our lives which need healing, how do we invite Jesus into that?
6. “Managing expectations”
- What should people expect on this healing journey, particularly in terms of time and pain?
8. “Living out of wounds or authentic love”
- How does it look differently to live out of your wounds and live out of authentic love?
9. “Return of the Prodigal Son”
10. “Worship while I’m waiting”
- “Sister, as I attempt to preserve in living authentically for Christ, I find my heart ache in the impatience of waiting in times of hardship. If this is the Lord’s will for me to wait, why is this time so difficult ? What prayers and/or resources do you recommend to help?”
11. “Encountering C.S. Lewis”
- There are large number of C.S. Lewis quotations in your – what has been your experience with him?
12. “Till We Have Faces”
- What are your thoughts about Till We Have Faces?
13. “Transformation”
“So often the healing of the deepest brokenness produces the most powerful light.”
Sr. Miriam, Loved As I Am