Narnia Invite
My Mum came across the invitations I made when I invited my friends to come to our house to watch the premiere of the BBC Narnia adaptation.
My Mum came across the invitations I made when I invited my friends to come to our house to watch the premiere of the BBC Narnia adaptation.
Not everyone thinks that Turkish Delight is delicious…
The latest book from Patti Callahan, Once Upon A Wardrobe is released today!
The various adaptations of The Chronicles of Narnia includes a 1979 cartoon version of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Movie Fun Facts Unlike […]
themes and ideas found in this fantasy work which we see taught didactically in Mere Christianity. Since Matt hadn’t read the Chronicles of Narnia, it was also a perfect opportunity to begin to correct his deficient education…
Hello everyone! We’ll have a fresh episode of The Eagle and Child for you next week, but in the meantime, here is this week’s episode of The Lamp-Post Listener. I was invited onto the show by Daniel and Phil to discuss Chapter 16 of C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe…