S4E42 – TSL 21 – “I want it now!”

Today we come to David’s least favourite letter from Uncle Screwtape which is on the subject of possessiveness, particularly with regards to time. Joining him today is a returning guest to the show, Sister Natalia from the “What God Is Not podcast”, together with another nun from her convent, Sister Petra.

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S1E31 – MC B4C3 – “Time and Beyond Time”

Today we’re talking about time. This might seen like an abstract topic, but it helps us understand important questions, such as:

1. If God is all-knowing, how can we really have free will?
2. How can God keep creation going while He was a baby asleep in a manger?
3. How can God be attending to millions of prayers at once?

So put on your thinking cap and let’s ponder the mystery of time…

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